
Showing posts from January, 2017

The Bullet: My Articles from Ganforhire

PREFACE Branding is the beginning of a great many things. We wouldn’t be using a smartphone if Apple had not branded the iPhone the way they did. A lot of things are created through branding. And because of that, they are everywhere. Even we, as an individual, are considered as a brand… If you didn’t already know this, let it sink in for a bit. If you think branding is a business, think again. It’s more than that. It’s about creating an identity, building relationships, and creating an impression that will stand against the test of time. The Articles I Wrote During My Time At Ganforhire: 1.  Deadpool is just... Deadpool 2.  The Times They Are A-Changing, Nobel Prize Style 3. Overwatch: It's More Than Just A Game 4. Malaysian Hospitality No More? 5. The Unorthodox Adventure of Louis Vuitton 6.  The Outsiders That Changed The World 7.  The Recipe For Marketing Madness 8.  Your Data, Your Story 9.  Ganforhire...