Worthy Of Rememberance

To The Departed Inspirers
May death be the beginning of the end

A shock it was to rectify the thought,
The fall of the great and supportive;
A visionnary, experienced and humble.
Through us, your legacy shall live on;
The great voices you once nurtured.

Your wisdom amplified thoughts,
Your courage electrified wills,
A viewpoint worthy of continuous lingering,
With the philosophies no other could table;
Leaving a platform for all to stand upon.

Through the times not caring for reality,
To the times of changing realities,
Your supportive hand was always there,
There, as a pillar from the malignant gutter;
Being the ever-present guardian angel.

This ode is for you,
Mentor, teacher, friend; Guidance in life,
Staying vigilantly within our dreams,
The dreams worthy of wandering;
To grasp the opportunities which comes knocking.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,
Stories go on as yours will be sung.
Our gratitude of your presence shall flow within,
To be passed on to civilizations of future comings;
Immortalizing your ever-gratifying eminence.

Written by: Putera Muhamad Ashraf


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