The Perfection of Imperfection

Through our imperfections,
We gave birth to perfection;
A beauty descended from emancipation,
Designed with innocence and affection.

We chant it with passion,
We whisper it in our sleep,
Assuring that this perfection,
Is the most honourable of creeds,

Yet, we constantly bombard limitations
Onto our limited shells,
So many no’s, so many don’ts,
Giving no room to the rise of assumptions.

Happily we neglected context,
Giving it not ponder nor thought,
As the words between the lines
Drift away into the chimes of twilight.

Blinded by the everlasting surface,
The beyond lay eternally concealed,
Like a jigsaw forever left incomplete,
Washed away into an archipelago of zeals.

With that which was written from purity,
Was translated through insecurity,
No longer could the weary wanderer wonder,
Why the lexicon was torn asunder.

In fear of being swayed by heathens of our perfection,
We put on repeat the design of our imperfections -
To do as we were told, without a care for its grove;
Slowly becoming the reaper to the beauty we gave birth to.

Written by: Putera Muhamad Ashraf


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