The Pendulum Swing

The Pendulum Swing
By Putera Muhamad Ashraf

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow,
Whatever happened to today,
The story that lay,
Brought from the ripples
Developed during our yesterdays?

Keep your distance, Future my friend,
For Present requires my attention,
With Past there as a guiding light;
Because obstacle here, wants me to stumble.
But with drive at my side, I will make immaculate my stride.

Future, the possibilities with you reaches the sky,
Though your vision I require, you pull me astray.
As I watch the pendulum swing,
I'll wish for things that’s never been won
And wear shoes that’s never been worn.

Past, I thank you for your wisdom,
Your experience has been passed along,
To make better the ugly I’ve created,
And appreciate the beauty I’ve accomplished,
As you set me upon a path towards greatness.

Present, with you I need to deal with,
As soon as you appear before me;
Good or bad, only future can tell,
How I approach you is based on past’s expertise,
Win or lose, I’ll become who I’m meant to be.

Future, I beg you to stay distant,
For you’ll only set for me goals I can yet reach.
Past, I hope you will not leave my side,
As you constantly remind me of the caterpillar I once was.
Present, I accept your challenge,
The exhaustion you extort, presents me with the weapon of fate.

I thank you all for your understanding.

Written by: Putera Muhamad Ashraf


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