Obsession for the Past

Image Credit: Lost... by Meeji

I sat upon a rock, by the hill at the edge of the woods,
Staring at the endless horizon, deep in thought,
With the waves constantly crashing against the rocks below,
While the sun slowly sinks its away into the sea.

I was eager to speak with them,
The two just like me,
Forsaken by fate, left alone by time,
Like a speck of dust floating in dejection.

Curiosity broke the silence. “Don’t think you can hide your emotions.
I can see it from the back of your eyes, that lingering uncertainty;
Uncertain what to make of this situation you are in...
But I’m glad you think as you do.”

I tilted my head in confusion, in wonder as to what she meant.
She gave out a grave and meaningful sigh,
Before she spoke the words that spoke volumes to me,
“Certainty is the fallacy of man.”

I was stunned, numb from all emotions,
I could feel my eyes growing bigger,
Seeing became more clearer, hearing became more sound.
But still, it didn’t answer the thought lingering in my mind.

“Why can’t I meet them?” I asked with distaste in my mouth.
Curiosity stood beside me, mustered with confidence.
A huge contrast to her genteel, demure nature,
As she stares longingly into the horizon.

“Imagine having something you treasure,” Curiosity finally spoke,
“Then having it forced away from you.”
A feeling I knew oh too well...
A feeling that brought me here in the first place.

“Then as if out of sheer, miraculous magic,” she continued,
There it is, for you to treasure once again.”
She said it all ever so slowly,
Giving me the pleasure to dwell upon her words.

I thought about the treasure I was eager to have;
The treasure I lost,
When those words were uttered,
“She’s not coming back.”

The Pouring Rain flowed once again,
As I imagined myself gaining back,
That which I treasured most,
“I wouldn’t let it part from me ever again.”

Written by: Putera Muhamad Ashraf


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